Chase: A Special Person & The Discovery of Teddy Downing Read online
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“Right away,” replied the obedient servant.
The irritable boss looked at John and said, “Get Chase and bring him back.” John left the room. He returned within minutes with his nephew.
Patrick had firm control as he stated, “We need to sit down and discuss this some more.” Patrick sat behind the desk in John's chair as the two faced him. All three were now sitting quietly in the enclosed room. Patrick was gathering his thoughts as he was about to ask another question. He gave a warm smile as to not make Chase uncomfortable. He pointed at the candy bar wrapper on the desk. In a polite tone Patrick asked the young man, “Do you know what this is?”
Chase's eyes lit up as he addressed Patrick. “Don't you know?” he asked. “That's Captain Galaxy's favorite candy bar. Everyone in the universe loves a Captain Galaxy Space Bar!”
The room was interrupted by Lenny's voice over the intercom. “Patrick, our agents have begun to comb the entire community for every Space Bar they could find. The first few bars all have the same numbers on them. I took the liberty to call the eight-hundred numbers on the back of the wrapper and established contact with the company that made them. They said that those numbers reflect the date it was manufactured, the price and expiration date.”
The agents looked down absorbing the information. It then occurred to them that the entire incident was just a fluke. The numbers on the candy bar were merely a standard bar code. Slowly they raised their heads and looked at one-another with embarrassment.
“Why, I'd like to find that Captain Galaxy and...” grumbled Patrick Chesterfield as he shook his head in disbelief.
“I wouldn't do that,” cautioned Chase. “Captain Galaxy puts all bad people on Venus and keeps them there until they're good. But he never hurts them,” he added.
Patrick heeded the warning and looked at Chase. In a friendly voice he asked, “How about going back to the break room and your uncle and I will be there shortly. We will then go out to lunch and have fun together.”
Chase's face grew into a huge smile. “Wow,” he exclaimed. “That would be great!” He left the room and headed back to the waiting room unescorted.
“I'll call central control and explain that the code was immediately destroyed once it was used,” said John with a clever expression. “They'll understand the importance behind that decision.”
“That's good,” complimented Patrick as he leaned back in relief. “John,” he continued, “maybe it's for the best if we just keep this to ourselves.”
“I couldn't agree with you more,” replied John. “I bet we get promotions for this!” he chuckled.
“We probably will,” replied Patrick. “I need to contact Lenny and call off this wild goose chase.”
He leaned over to John's office phone and dialed Lenny's cell phone. When Lenny answered, Patrick commended him on doing a great job, and told that the needed information was recovered. It was now time to have the agents return to the office. He then gave Lenny a last order and told him that he wanted one case of Captain Galaxy Space Bars brought to him in the waiting room, “On the double!”
Patrick ended the phone call and winked at John. “Do you mind if his mother joins us for lunch?” asked John.
“You mean, Julie?” asked Patrick with compassion. “She should be there. After all, her son played a vital role in keeping this country safe. It's only right that she is present to watch him receive a case of Captain Galaxy Space Bars in recognition of that.”
“That would make her day!” exclaimed the brother. “I'll call her right after I bury our tracks with central control.”
“I'll meet you in the break room with Chase,” said Patrick. “And before I forget, leave your wallet in your pocket. This one's on me; and that's an order!” John could only smile with gratitude and extend his hand to shake Patrick's.
John picked up the phone and began to dial as Patrick left the room.
The career of Patrick Chesterfield continued to rise in leaps and bounds. But it was greatly surpassed by his development as a person. He was actually looking forward to this outing because there was something about Chase that intrigued him.
He realized that the gold standard for any child was candy. And that's exactly what Chase left on his desk not too long ago. The boy even attempted to wash his dirty car with a towel he found in his uncle's car. On Halloween, Chase was the only one that made a pilgrimage to his home; the house that all the other kids avoided. The house that should have had candy for Chase Mansfield. Patrick had never known anyone that wanted to give to him before. And it felt great!
There was more.
For whatever reason, Chase Mansfield had an uncanny knack for putting things in a proper prospective. That in-turn gave results that usually turned out for the best.
He often wondered why the world has its’ struggling “Chase Mansfields”. What he did know was that without those humble souls, the “Patrick Chesterfields” would go nowhere...
Golden rays channel through fluffy clouds creating a prism of rainbows. Shimmering silver outlined a universe of crystal vapor as the Earth turned below. Angels danced on an infinity of mist that was often referred to as 'cloud nine'. The heavenly crowd resembled playful otters at feeding time with some doing cartwheels and somersaults. The festive moment began to change into one of concentration. Their jurisdiction on Planet Earth was about to have light shed on it.
It was now time to get mentally prepared. These special angels were given the greatest task that our Creator could issue. They were anointed to spiritually guide and protect a specific mortal on Earth. Their efforts could sway one’s path to Heaven. They are an elite force under our Creator known as the Guardian Angels.
Guardian Angel Sir Nigel Lennon was most fortunate. He got the 'pick of the litter'; he was assigned to Chase Mansfield. What a simple task! Chase was a superior being by many standards. He possessed a natural purity that spread compassion. He was above deceiving others and exposed his honest traits throughout every facet of life. The planet he survived on was greatly flawed and mislead. It had a high population of misfits that invented a standard to be judged by. To many; acquiring possessions and establishing leverage on others gave the highest rating. It was clearly a case of ‘the blind leading the blind’.
Guardian Angels were needed here and they had to be good ones. It was their mission to strategically place these wonderful, sincere, caring souls throughout the planet. They would serve as a way to set an example for the many less fortunate. The irony was that there were those that viewed such wholesomeness as a weakness or handicap. Some even placed a stigma on it.
Looking over a silver-edged cloud was the humble figure of Guardian Angel Sir Nigel. The four-hundred-year-old soul was deep in thought as he glanced down toward the mortal population. Floating towards him was the illustrious figure of Guardian Angel, Robert Hershel Hollingsworth IV; a soul that was royal blood in a past life.
“Good morning, Sir Nigel,” greeted Robert Hershel Hollingsworth IV.
“Good morning, Robert,” replied Nigel.
“May I ask a favor of you, my good man?” asked Robert.
“Sure,” answered Nigel. “Anything you want.”
“I seem to be getting little progress with my student, Patrick Chesterfield,” said a dejected Robert as he looked down. “I realize that he usually means well, but he has this quirk about wanting to rule others.” Robert then had a frightening thought and looked up at Nigel. “I hope that I was never guilty of that when I lived down there.”
Nigel was quick to respond. “You were just like the rest of us when we lived there. It was all about living, learning and understanding that we were there to serve our Lord and help others. You made the grade, Robert, and that's why you are now up here with us.”
Robert looked proud as he stood tall and puffed out his chest.
“Do you mind if I have my Patrick Chesterfield spend some time with your Chase Mansfield toda
y?” asked Robert. “The lesson would benefit him greatly.”
“Forgive me for interrupting, but I was thinking the same thing about my foster human.” Nigel and Robert looked up to see Guardian Angel Philip Hydes hovering above them. The lanky street sweeper from the 1700s had been assigned to Earth’s Professor Richman.
Philip continued, “My project has the same character flaws as yours does, Robert. Why he can get overbearing to the point of being pompous.”
The Guardian Angel team of brother and sister Malcolm and Grace Whitney glided in. They held a wonderful position being guides for Chase Mansfield’s mother, Julia and her brother, John. Malcolm and Grace glanced at Nigel realizing that the immediate group would be spending their day together.
“Isn't today their Friday?” asked Philip Hydes.
“Friday?” questioned Malcolm Whitney. “That always meant fish and chips in our neighborhood.”
“Isn't there a quaint fish and chips stand in their town that Chase loves?” asked Grace Whitney.
“Why, I do believe so,” answered Nigel. “If I recall, it's more than a stand – and they even went there for Chase's birthday last year.”
“How about arranging a gathering there today and see how it plays out?” suggested Philip.
“Splendid idea!” remarked Nigel.
An immaculate sensation was about to set in. One that would mysteriously round up a few needy souls and lead them towards Chase Mansfield.
The objective? To be humbled.
The playing field? “Wally's Broiler”, the town's best fish and chips.
The time? Now.
Professor Richman sat down at the breakfast table wearing his majestic red bathrobe and matching slippers. His renowned silver hair and trimmed beard showed signs of a good night’s rest. The rising sun peered through the kitchen window causing him to close his eyes. The soothing rays gave the professor's body a tingling sensation.
Like a turtle on a warm rock, he directed his weathered face to the medicating light. His special blend of coffee would perfect the moment. Intellectual crystal blue eyes looked over at the counter and saw that it was brewed with its aroma enticing the entire kitchen. Looking at the stainless steel coffee pot a forgotten memory of yesterday made its presence known.
The cupboard behind the pot was slightly opened exposing a gift that his mentally challenged grandson, Chase made in school. It was a thick, uneven coffee mug that was painted with the same craftsmanship. In bold mismatching letters was an inscription: “For Grandpa – Love Chase.” The grandfather was distracted by this hidden labor of love as if it were crying for life.
Instinctively the professor left the table and walked toward the counter. He reached into the cupboard and took out the dusty mug. He felt guilty realizing that it was made just for him. Chase was indeed special to him. He was the only family member that never asked for anything; the only one that just wanted to see him. Chase was handsome with his blonde curly hair and defined face. More important, he also inherited the blue eyes that personified the Richman trait. The grandfather felt a presence as he held the keepsake. He washed and dried it over the sink and poured his first cup of coffee in it.
There was a strength that accompanied Gerald at that moment. With pride he admired the beautiful gift as his coffee gave steam off the top. The mug was heavy for its size because the thickness would not allow its hot contents to burn his hands.
“What an ingenious design,” thought the Rhodes Scholar. He cautiously sipped the hot coffee. His senses took over serving testimony that this was the best cup of coffee that he ever experienced in his life.
The prominent man expanded on this sensation by reflecting on his life with Chase.
He was more than just Professor Gerald Richman; he was also a grandfather. But not just any grandfather; he was Chase Mansfield's grandfather. The most respected person in that entire town. The professor took another sip from the earthy mug and grinned with pride.
“What a legacy…” he thought to himself. “I think I will call my daughter, Julia today. I want to take her and my grandson out for lunch.”
The morning sun cast its nourishing warmth through the windows of the Security Building.
Patrick Chesterfield leaned over his desk to analyze documents with his back facing a window. Behind him, the radiant healing powers penetrated his spirit. The short overweight man with black hair and bald head felt the heat relax his entire body. It was as if he was being massaged. Leaning back he stretched and glanced straight ahead in thought. A candy stain on the far corner of his desk came into view. It jarred a fond memory that took his mind off of his task. A memory that changed his life forever.
The stain was not a blemish; it was a trophy. The most wonderful person he had ever met left that mark there. Chase Mansfield remembered that Patrick didn't hand out candy on Halloween that year. The conscientious boy secretly placed some of his candy on Patrick's desk to make sure that he was not forgotten. It was the only time in Patrick Chesterfield's life that someone showed him they actually cared about him. When the building Patrick worked in upgraded with new furniture, he demanded that his desk not be replaced. He considered the discolored polish an heirloom that marked a milestone in his life. It was his goal to take the desk home with him when he retired.
Patrick's expressionless face started to turn into a smile. It dawned on him that he could leave the office early and do something special. He and John Mansfield had been working many extra hours on a project that was completed the night before. They could work a half day and go out to lunch with Chase. Patrick clasped his hands behind his head and looked at the discolored mark, marveling at his genius.
John Mansfield sat attentively at his desk with the door slightly opened. The loyal employee was reviewing the latest project that he and his boss just completed. A distinct knock pushed the door opened. John knowingly looked up to see his boss, Patrick Chesterfield enter the room.
“And how is my good friend, John this fine morning?” greeted Patrick.
John was taken by his boss's exceptionally good mood and leaned back in his chair. “Did you just win a lottery this morning?” asked John in a humorous tone.
The boss continued with his happiness. “You know,” responded Patrick as he placed an index finger on his chin looking off in a distance. “Maybe I did!”
The jolly fat man continued. “First of all, I need to thank you for the long hours you put into our last assignment. You did the great job you always do and again, made me look pretty good. We are ahead of schedule now and might as well reward ourselves by taking the rest of the day off.”
Just then the phone rang. John maintained the festive pace by answering it through the intercom.
“Hello?” called out John in a laughing voice.
“Well, it seems that the entire world is happy today!” answered John's sister, Julia.
“Hello, sis,” responded John. “I am under the impression that this is not an emergency call.”
“Oh no,” said Julia. “My dad dropped by and we were going to take Chase out to lunch. We were just wondering if we could bring you anything.”
“Why don't you turn on your speaker phone so that we can all think out loud?” asked John.
“Okay,” volleyed back Julie. “Is this better?”
The background sounds from each phone could now be heard with a considerable volume increase.
“Yes, much better,” said John.
Patrick's eyes lit up. Going out with Chase and his loved ones would fill a void in his life. “How about all of us meeting somewhere for lunch?” he suggested.
“That would be great!” commented the prestigious voice of Professor Gerald Richman.
“Is that you, Professor Richman?” asked a surprised Patrick.
“No it's not,” answered the regal voice. “Professor Richman is that man in the suit that gives lectures. This is 'Gerald Richman' and I want to go out wit
h my grandson, Chase and his friends!”
Patrick was impressed with the professors 'regular guy' attitude. “Do you mind if I tag along?” asked Patrick in a friendly voice.
“Mind?” questioned the professor. “Why you are one of Chase's most favorite people, you'd better come!” he said in a definitive tone.
Patrick was further moved being accepted by the famous Professor Richman. “Well, then I guess I'd better be there!” replied Patrick.
“Good show!” quipped the professor.
John openly asked out loud, “Where do we want to meet for lunch?”
There was a long pause then all at once both rooms said, “How about fish and chips at Wally's?” The intercoms went silent as everyone looked around in shock. There seemed to be a touch of magic in the air.