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Chase: A Special Person & The Discovery of Teddy Downing Page 3

  Finally John spoke up. “Then Wally's it is! We’ll meet you there in a half hour.”

  “Okay,” said Julie. The phones were disconnected with lunch thirty minutes away.

  “Since we're off work now,” said John, “I'll meet you there.”

  “Sounds good to me,” replied Patrick.

  John grabbed his coat from a coat rack in the room as Patrick walked down the hall to get his coat and hat.


  Within twenty minutes they arrived at Wally's and entered. They were immediately greeted by the hostess. “Table for two?” asked a young blond haired, blue-eyed woman dressed like a pirate.

  “We better make it for five,” said John.

  “Right this way,” replied the hostess as she grabbed five menus from a stand. She led the two men into the dining room and sat them down at a varnished table that resembled a door to a schooner. Maritime memorabilia from the 1800s surrounded the dining room. Ropes on pulleys, nautical stained glass and brass candle holders gave one the feeling that they were on the high seas a century ago.

  Moments later Julia and her father showed up with the man of the hour; Chase Mansfield. It was plain to see the brother and sister resemblance between John and Julia. She too had beautiful thin brown hair with matching eyes and a medium build. Julia also shared his humbleness. A friendly exchange took place with handshakes and hugs. Immediately all were strategically seated with the three men sitting together facing Julia and Chase.

  The server came by to take their orders. All were in agreement that nothing sounded better than fish and chips with a drink. The drink cups arrived first with the party leaving the table to the self-serve soda fountains. Within minutes the meal arrived in the traditional baskets lined with paper.

  The ball was now put into play.

  It was now time to prove one’s superiority. The food gatherers needed to provide the final ingredient to make fish and chips complete: tartar sauce. There was more to this task than just returning home with the bounty. It had to be presented in style!

  John went to the condiment station first with Patrick and the professor close behind. He saw the small paper trays stacked on top of one another that were used to carry tartar sauce. John took the top half portion of the tiny paper trays and started to pump tartar sauce into each one until he could carry no more. It was obvious that he got enough for Chase and himself.

  Competition had set in. Patrick 'upped the ante' by bringing his hat and cleverly placing the filled tartar trays outlining the rim. Like a party clown, he wore the ridiculous hat and pranced back to the table.

  Professor Richman raised the stakes with his ingenuity. He spotted a candle holder that held ten small candles that were the same diameter as the paper trays. He removed the candles and set them off to the side, replacing them with full trays of tartar sauce.

  Like the three wise men they returned to the table with their sacred gifts.

  The audition was underway with each witty candidate using his gimmick to win over Chase. The smiling threesome reminded the boy of television characters he always enjoyed watching: Curly, Larry and Moe.

  Chase however, didn't choose one surplus over another. He instructed his mother to take her basket and follow him. He led her to the condiment station and went to work.

  Without thought, Chase meticulously parted the fish side by side and poured tartar sauce directly on top of the fillets. He then exchanged baskets with his mother and repeated the process.

  Returning to the table he saw his uncle with stretched out arms that held a series of filled tartar trays lined from his wrists; all the way up to his shoulders. He noticed Patrick wearing his hat outlined with more paper trays filled with tartar sauce. A proud Patrick leaned his head forward to make the sauce more accessible. His grandfather conveniently held the candle holder with one hand accompanied with his patented smug.

  Chase looked at the adult males and shook his head in disappointment. Displaying his engineering talents he placed his basket in front of them for all to see. “You should never use those small paper holders,” he scolded with authority. “Now you're going to make a big mess and will have to clean it up.”

  The stooges froze momentarily as they absorbed the advice. Slowly they turned to look at one another realizing that they had some developing to do. Chase sat down with his mother and added another thought provoking idea. “Let's say grace before eating.” The mentally challenged teenager bowed and led the table in prayer.


  “Oh that Chase is a bright one!” cried out Robert Hershel Hollingsworth IV as his hands pressed against his stomach.

  “He certainly has a way about himself!” giggled Grace Whitney.

  “Bravo, bravo, my good man!” shouted out Sir Nigel as he rolled through the clouds shaking in tears.

  A chain reaction of comments followed by hysterics raced across the sky.

  Cloud nine shook the heavens with echoes of intense laughter. Angels from all directions turned and looked towards the jubilant eruption. A saintly voice could be heard off in the distance saying, “I don't know what's going on over there, but I bet it involves Nigel's man, Chase!”


  Patrick Chesterfield lay on the couch and focused at the ceiling in deep thought. His brown eyes were wide open exposing the windows to his soul. The lines on his forehead formed a series of rolls like a plowed farmland. The vastness of his memory continued to go further back in time.

  “I'll ask you again, Patrick,” repeated Dr. Falmoe in a firm tone. “Why do you want enough power to control the entire world?”

  The patient lost all facial expression as the answer festered out. At that precise moment it dawned on him why. The bewildered face of a lost child slowly turned into a grin of realization. Patrick turned and looked at Dr. Falmoe. Both knew that he had the answer.

  “Because I didn't want to be rejected anymore,” said Patrick in a soft voice.

  The middle aged man in the white outfit with glasses leaned back. With a reassuring smile he placed his pad and pencil on the stand next to him and nodded in agreement. “What do you really want, Patrick?” he asked.

  “To be accepted like everyone else,” he whispered.

  “Good.” said the therapist. “Why should you be accepted by others?” he continued to ask.

  “Because I have a lot to offer!” exclaimed Patrick as he stood up.

  Dr. Falmoe welcomed the outburst. He folded his arms and leaned back wanting to hear more.

  With conviction Patrick continued. “There is a regular guy inside me,” he said. “I like to fish, watch baseball and cook a chili that I'm proud of. I also like hearing a good joke and don't mind giving someone a ride.”

  “That all sounds good,” said Dr. Falmoe. “The problem is that you hide all of those good qualities. You have spent years alienating yourself as a ruthless authority figure. It's time to shed that facade and allow others to see the real Patrick Chesterfield. That “Patrick” they will love.”

  Patrick turned away and stared into the vastness. He continued to expose himself more. “Do you know what else I want?” he asked. Answering his own question Patrick said, “I want to look good! I want to be tan, wear better clothes and do something about balding.”

  “No, Patrick,” said Dr. Falmoe. “Your true inner beauty is all it takes. Anything cosmetic will tarnish your effort to have others see you the way you really are. Just be “Patrick”. Share who Patrick Chesterfield really is.”

  The short overweight man stopped in thought. He pondered over the idea of displaying a new image; while looking the same.

  Dr. Falmoe looked at his watch. “It looks like our session is over, Patrick,” he said. “You have made a milestone today, I am proud of you.” A handshake closed the session with Dr. Falmoe saying, “I feel that we accomplished what we wanted. Feel free to contact me for any reason.”

  “Thanks, Doc,” said Patrick. “I am beginning to feel better all ready.”

trick left the office and immediately got into his car. He drove home with plenty on his mind. “But I want to look different,” he thought to himself.

  Patrick reflected back to his current home life.

  Late night television had half hour commercials that addressed lonely bachelors like himself. These presentations took the misunderstood short, fat and balding men of our society and made them look like movie stars. The ‘before’ pictures showed a depressed ‘out of shape’ loser. The ‘after’ shots showed a man that was tan, fit and stylish with gorgeous women clinging onto him. An eight-hundred number immediately followed. Patrick wanted to be the man on those commercials. The one being adored by all the women.

  He thought further.

  There was no denying that Dr. Falmoe was a good therapist. But he was the furthest thing from being a playboy. Naturally, the good doctor wouldn't be able to relate to a 'swinger's' life. But the man on television could. Patrick concluded that Dr. Falmoe should stay on his side of the fence and stick to counseling emotional insecurities.

  The man on the commercials was in the business of building an exciting social life for the 'Patrick Chesterfields' out there. He already copied down the telephone number months ago. It was now time to make the call and start his real life.

  Patrick arrived home on a mission. He would take the next step and do something about his outward appearance. That, along with Dr. Falmoe's therapy would put him where he belonged in society. He picked up the phone and dialed the eleven digit number.

  Anticipation grew as he waited for the line to be picked up. After three rings a recording played. It had glorious music that sounded like the intro to a movie. Then a woman's voice greeted the listener. Her initial message was asking the caller if he needed to change his life. Patrick listened carefully. She described the inner feelings of rejection and despair. Those feelings hit home with Patrick.

  “There is an answer,” she said in an uplifting voice. Patrick clutched the phone closer to him like a security blanket. The woman then introduced the company she worked for and what their services were. She encouraged him to stay on the line for the next available agent.

  In hope, he waited in silence.

  “Good afternoon,” called out a friendly voice. “This is Milt; and who am I talking to?”

  The cavalry had arrived! “This is Patrick,” said the future client.

  “Hello, Patrick,” said the congenial marketer. “I bet you are an exciting guy ready to take off in life,” said Milt.

  Patrick loved how Milt expressed that moment. It was exactly how he felt. “I am,” he said.

  “Well good,” said Milt. “You are in luck today; we are having a special. Anyone that buys our deluxe package can advance to our platinum package for only a thousand dollars more. That's a steal, Patrick!”

  Patrick took a dry swallow as he remembered that the commercials didn't list the price. He was preparing himself for a shock. “How much is it?” he asked in a quivery voice.

  The professional salesman approached the answer from another angle. “Patrick,” he said. “Let's look at your life and see what this package offers.”

  “Okay, Milt,” agreed a trusting Patrick.

  Milt went into great detail explaining how we get older and set in our ways. He addressed the issue of loneliness and described it as an invisible dead end; where nobody can see you. He continued to give one analogy after another about going nowhere. He guaranteed that the world was already in agreement on what he was and that there was no reason to take a closer look at him. After all; didn't he still look the same?

  That last one did it. “How much is the best package you have?” he asked”

  “That's our platinum package which is a two week program that includes everything,” said Milt. “This package offers the best hairpiece made out of natural hair. It looks real because it is real hair. We also provide three classrooms that prepare you for the reactions that you can expect from the people you know. You will be taught how to respond to their comments and get everyone on your side. You will also meet people just like yourself and feel comfortable about your new change. We take you shopping with one of our models to get you a new outfit. You will also get a nice tan from our tanning salon. We then send you to Tahiti for three nights so that you can give that tan of yours the finishing touch that only the tropics can do. At this stage the women will be all over you. When you return, the world will notice Patrick! Today you can get it for $3,999.99. You'd be a smart man, Patrick taking advantage of that low price.”

  Patrick felt that his life was at a dead end and jumped on the opportunity. “I'll take it!” he said.

  “Congratulations, Patrick!” said Milt. “If you would please stay on for a moment while I transfer you to our finance department. Please to have met you, Patrick.”

  “I was happy to meet you too, Milt,” said Patrick. There was a pause with no sound. Then an operator was on the line to address the formalities of recording a credit card number. His appointment at their clinic was scheduled after the credit card was accepted. Patrick's world was changing fast. He was on vacation for three weeks and would return to work a new man. A barbeque he was invited to would inaugurate his new look. A new car would serve as the icing on the cake. The timing was perfect!

  The seminars, fitting and counseling sessions weren't as extravagant as Patrick imagined. He did, however meet a cluster of heavy set balding men just like himself.

  Shopping for an outfit was much better. He wore his new hairpiece in public for the first time with the escort of an attractive woman. She continuously complimented him on how young he looked as he became less self-conscious about the change. They even had lunch together in the mall where he wore his new outfit for the first time.

  Patrick was starting to feel better, with a flight to Tahiti waiting at the airport!

  Four days later, Patrick was home from his vacation buying his dream car: a black convertible Mercedes Benz. Driving around the city he reflected on his trip. Tahiti was somewhat of a disappointment. The brochures showed waterfront five-star hotels with beautiful women playing volley ball in the sand. What he got was an old motel room three blocks away from the beach.

  With the exception of a basket of fruit signed by, “Milt”; he was alone. “Maybe it was off season and the single women groups were charted elsewhere,” he thought to himself. The most important hurdle was still ahead: the Sunday afternoon barbeque at his friend, John's house. He had to collect himself, relax and remember what he was taught a week ago.

  Sunday afternoon arrived with Patrick Chesterfield looking like the success he felt he always was. His arrival at John's house turned heads with the new car, outfit, tanned body and hairpiece. There was something else that was new: a new personality. He knocked at the front door and had the good fortune of having Chase answer.

  The wholesome boy noticed that it was Patrick and couldn't help but stare at his hair. Others came to the door to see who it was. The stage was set exactly how Patrick wanted it. He entered the room and said a charming “hello” to everyone, as they studied Patrick's new look. There would be lots to talk about ranging from his vacation to Tahiti, along with a new car and other things…

  Like a prizefighter's comeback trail, Patrick chose to start off with the weakest link: Chase. With confidence he approached the teenager and strategically baited him. This was the icebreaker where it was important to have everyone's attention.

  A well-prepared Patrick pointed at his covered head and asked Chase a question. “Do you know why I did this?”

  Chase responded with his uncomplicated honesty. “So that no one will stare at your nose?”

  Those following the conversation instinctively looked at Patrick's face, then two degrees downward. His orifice was lopsided like a russet potato partially buried in dirt. This awkward shape suggested that it could only be salvaged for stew or mashed to be covered with gravy. The uneven eyes channeled different directions like an insect surveying its environment.
  Involuntary laughter ensued as the friends were caught off guard. They doubled up covering their mouths and stomach; tactfully leaving the area in silence. Patrick was embarrassed and stormed out of the house.

  It occurred to him that once again he was a victim of his own ego. Like a sheep that went astray, Patrick deviated from Dr. Falmoe’s advice and was now suffering the consequences. It was time to make another appointment.

  The room gathered in front of the window and watched Patrick climb into the Mercedes. He peeled out like a madman. “Is that Patrick?” asked one of the guests.

  Chase made another observation. He pointed towards Patrick driving away and said, “That's sure a nice car...”